The first step was to tear the display apart. (After taking the battery out and unplugging the power of course.) There were several screws under little stick on rubber pads that had to be removed. I then for simplicity's sake unattached the display from the laptop's main body. The LCD has a metal frame around it that had to be unscrewed and taken off. Then it came time to find the bulb. On this LCD display their was a metal housing with the power leads coming out that held the bulb. When I unscrewed this the LCD came more apart then I was really thinking it would. I was unsure of how to get to the bulb, I slowly pulled back the housing and could see it.

I detached the housing from the main LCD frame and was able to more easily access the bulb. Using a small screw driver behind the rubber caps, I slowly worked the bulb out from the housing. I then carefully worked the rubber caps off of the end of the bulbs and up the wire. Using side-cutters I snipped the power cables as close to the bulb as possible, (there was not very much slack in the backlight cable from the Inverter to begin with.) The edges of the bulb appeared to be darkened maybe showing their demise. I then stripped off just enough of the cable's ins

ulation to make a loop around the conductor of the new bulb. Once I got the loop at the suggested 2-3mm position from the end of the bulb, I soldered it, and cut the excess wire from the bulb. Slipping on the rubber caps back down made me a little nervous especially with the heavier gage red wire. One of the trickier parts was getting the

wires to sit back down right and put the LCD back together. After a few minutes of fiddling and lots of wiggling, I got it to all fit back together. As soon as I did I immediately put a couple screws back in, to keep it from coming apart again. It then came time to test it. I got all the cables hooked back up, plugged back in the power, (nothing blew up or burnt out which was nice!) I then turned it on... low and behold the backlight was still not on! I could still make out the images the LCD was producing, but with no backlight. I then decided to check the Inverter, it appears the Inverter has also gone out, when hooking up a multimeter to the output I got no voltage at all... I will have to check with the laptop's owner and see if they want to put more money into to this aging laptop, I found an Inverter on eBay for $50, so we will see.
And let there be [back]light! After replacing the inverter, the the new bulb came right on and is working great Replacing the inverter was just a matter of unhooking a couple of cables. It took longer to un-package the new inverter then to install it.